Saturday, October 8, 2011

Holos - The Holy

Holos - the holy. Sanctified and whole; the principle of wholeness, which is the principle of health; derivations include healthy, holy, holiday, Hail, German Heil, whole, holistic, holocaust, help and hell. Hell, coming from the Germanic word Hel, meant bright (Modern German Hell - bright), significant of a wholeness like the sun from which radiated light.

Wholeness is the central idea behind the Monad, most important to religious studies both modern and ancient. The oneness of the universe, the All-God, is the supreme principle of being whole, and therefore it is holy. This is how the term holiness came to be used to describe closeness with the divine. What was whole was also what was healthy; this is part of the process of self-realization, or the becoming whole of all the psyche's parts, in Jungian psychology. By the unification of the psyche, the individual achieves wholeness, and therefore a state of supreme health. The word "health" itself is a combination of the h-l root with -t, which literally means "the wholl-ed" or "the thing made whole".

Again, we see the usage of the materialistic -p sound in the word help; to help something means to aid it, usually in a material sense; saving something from (a worldly) danger for instance.

Holos is central to the Proto-Indo-European religion. As a process, it is individuation or the connection with the Monad or the All; as a state, it is supreme health and unity of all parts, an organic whole, functional and perfected. It is a return to the origin; proximity to the center of the universe.

There is a discrepancy whether the root was pronounced Holos or Solos; Latin mutation made Holos into Solos, and then into Solvos, and finally into Salvus, which means "health".

Therefore, respect the whole; principle of the Monad.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Guide to Primordial Sounds

Quick Primer:

b - soft version of P, growth (like a crystal), emanation, beating, pulsation, period of a cycle; baros - to bear, belos - light/emanation of light

d - soft version of T, the depths, the netherworld, transcendence, subsurface, fluctuation, degeneration into or out of matter; d+r= duros/door - door, gate

g - reflection and projection within the abstract realm, actor, initiation, to go, beget; galos - charged fluid

k/c - reflection, projection, ricochet;

l - gliding, conduit, light (as opposed to heavy); lachos - light

m - the absorptive, the well, the Mother (mater - mother), the infinite ocean (maros - sea), mass generation, the endless absorbing element, darkness, space, buffer; aum - beginning and end

n - material absorption, repository, transfer of power, electric current; namos - designation/name

p - the physical, the mundane, the inanimate, the tool, the vessel, hardness; petros - rock

r - continuance, current, facilitation, transcendence; ratos - wheel, root

s - the existential sound: constant vibration, standing, traversing; os/is - to be

t - the material, hardness, hard version of D, the earthly, physical structure; telos/terra - earth

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It is apparent that Indo-Aryan verbs were based in stems consisting of a single syllable, that is a combination of a simple consonant with a coupling vowel that could couple the verb stem with a conjugational ending.

One example is the verb root ska-, meaning "to cut", which carries with it the full implications of "to cut or mold, to shape, create, form or scoop", such as can be read here.

The ending -t and -p are merely noun-making suffixes, which lend a particular material or definite quality to the initial stem; -t is indicative of something somehow having been enacted by ska-,  such as skatos (shadow, shaped), while -p is used for more definite material objects like skapos (shape, vessel). Yet they are both very similar, as we see here.

It should therefore be known that the nouns of the Indo-European language originated from a proto-linguistic expression of active forms of existence, that is, verb-like constructions indicating a certain way of being and a certain nature of existence as emanated by the described thing. The study of such exact sound meanings will be gone over later. Thus, nouns did come from verbs, since verbs were initially stems from which suffixes could be attached to give more definitive forms; these roots were composed of sounds indicating a certain nature (a mode of existence), and therefore a certain active behavior consequent of it's existence. The world was defined by the way in which objects affected each other; based on understanding relationships between things. That was how something was defined; by how it reacted to other things. In the same way these things were described by initially verb-type words.

The roots are all directly descended from the emanations of these particular sounds, such as the sk sound formed as the root ska-, or st being sta- (to stand), and so on.

An example of conjugation:
sta-, to stand, present tense
1st Person       staimi
2nd Person      staisi
3rd Person       staiti

Conversely, there is a variety of forms we can reconstruct for representing these old verbs. One discrepancy is that the vowel coupled to these sounds is relative. It is most certainly a more open vowel, but it ranges between an a, an o and an e in representation. Final decisions in representing these will be done from a careful aesthetic study.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Statos - That which Stands

Statos - that which stands. It comes from the verb root ste-, which means "to stand". It is responsible for the "st" in stay, stand, still and steady; it implies the qualities of the stark, the strong and the stable. It is also the firm and unmovable placement from which something stems, a stalk firmly rooted in the ground which it stays at. It is significant because it signifies its existence; the plant spends its whole life in one spot, never moving, and therefore that steadfast placement becomes symbolic of its presence on the earth. It is that which endures; the trees of the forest are statoi, for they sit in one position, and that is their eternal physical placement in the earth, and therefore their eternal spiritual existence. To stand is to durate time, to surpass the temporal and truly exist; like rocks under the running water, they stand steadfast against time's flow, not budging or losing itself, but resisting the tide which destroys all other things.

Therefore statos is important to the spirit. It signifies the steadiness of spiritual existence against the tide of time; that which stands in the universe's flow, as opposed to those that lose themselves with the flow and thus become subject to change and corruption. It is the spirit's nature to stand.

It is also, and more so, symbolic of physical growth, since that which stands marks its own existence upon the earth. It is symbolic of earthly existence, especially things that do not move or change, like things that are tied to the land; the people are a statos, because they continue their existence on earth through their genes. Furthermore, the elements of the psyche and mind are statos, since they reoccur eternally and stay within the human mind; they stand within it because they are part of it, even if they are sometimes forgotten or marked with obscurity, such as in ours times.

Furthermore the word State is from statos; not only the state of being, which is expressive of the ontological existence of anything, but also the political state, or the structure of power on earth in any given society. Further the Latin word status is from statos, which gives rise to the words station, statement, and stance, all expressive of what statos is. The city is also a statos, which we see in the German word Stadt.

Paired with the -p sound, which is expressive of a strictly material thing, we get the English word staple, which helps two or more objects to stay in place (bind them). This combination of st- and -p is also seen in the word stupid, which literally meant "to have been made still" (imagine being "stapled" with an expression thus unable to think out of awe, to be "stupefied" or "stooped" by something). This combination is also expressed in the word step, which relates to "stoop". A step stays in place, and does not move; it is stationary, and therefore a statos. Static, stain and stall also come from statos. Stone also comes from it, since it is the greatest representative of a firm nature or existence.

Variations on the primal root ste- include a vowel insertion between the "s" and the "t", which occurs in some languages frequently and in other with occasion. In English we see this represented in the words sit and set, both expressive of statos, with a vowel put in between the letters.

More interestingly, we see an early form of this in the Latin term satus, meaning "sown", which is a form of sero, "I sow". Sowing seed and planting crops is symbolic of the universal process of growth, and the place that the seed lands on is where it will sprout and it will be its statos. Therefore sowing is the creation of statos or the foundation of such development in the material world. The term "satus" then also carries meaning to Saturnus, the god Saturn, god of the crops, sowing and agriculture. Saturn is chiefly represented in association to the element time, and Saturn personifies time, civilization and material dictation, and these things are ruled by his house. He is the farthest from the sun, the spiritual center, and he is responsible for the judgement of things on earth in accordance with time; without him nothing can grow, and without him nothing can fade away or die. He is the iron rule of time as it passes on earth, and he is also represented by the metal Lead. He represents what lets the material body stand through time, before its death and after its birth, and therefore he can be seen as the material retainer; things only stand in the material world because of his junction. His persona as an archetype is universal. Another name of Saturn is Satan, "the sower", an interpretation differing from the Semitic root s-t-n, "the adversary". Disregarding the modern concepts of "Satan", we can see how primally these qualities belong under his association. Perhaps even "adversary" could be gleamed from interpreting Satan as both a "sustainer" in the material world and the "adversary" at the same time, since it is with time which he rules that things turn back to dust. To the temporal world, he may very well seem like the "adversary" because under him everything eventually comes to death or its initial state of non-being.The construction of "Satan" or "Saturn" with the Indo-Aryan roots would be Satonos.

There are several other words that come from statos too, like steel, stitch and stick. They are not hard to identify in daily life and can be seen everywhere. It's also interesting to note that in the Indo-Aryan language, the term used to describe the third-person state of being is -est, which we can see in German ist (3rd person conjugation of sein - to be), Latin est and the vowel ending -et (Latin -it, German -t), which was once pronounced "-est". This is also present in the outdated English conjugation -eth, which can be seen in Shakespearean English, i.e. he taketh, she maketh.

The word star may also be a descendent of statos, and it makes sense, however this is unclear since it may also come from the root hestos which means "to burn or shine".

Therefore learn from statos, since it is that which stands; through time, immovable, from birth to death, in continuum or in temporality, it is that which exists in a consistency. It stays in place, firm, and can be your stepping stone.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Manos and Askos - Mankind

Manos, the man - from this we also get the Latin word manus such as in the word manual, meaning "hand". Like the hand, Man was conceived to be a tool in himself - a vessel for enacting a will upon the world. The root-consonants M and N might signify a reoccuring frequency meaning eternity and containment, referring to man's (also the hand's) creativity and the null-containment of his bodily vessel. Further on the psychology of individual sounds will be gleamed. This is why the infant term for "Mother" always turns to be composed of M's, such as Mama, Mamma, Mother, Mommy, and even Latin "Mater". The Latin term was the combination of the primordial sound Ma designating a source or fount of production and the familial suffix -ter, such as the nurturing mother, which the members of the Indo-Aryan tribes in infancy would always think of as "Ma" due to the relation of the two thought-forms, regardless of their lack of knowledge about the world. N is a soothing and constant sound, like the end of a stream, or a brick wall absorbing sound, and therefore N becomes the vessel of containment that follows after the fount of M.

Askos - the ash tree, symbolic of man and its races; Askos was often used either by itself to denotate a man, a being or a tree which is symbolic of a human in Indo-Aryan cultures, or as a suffix. As a suffix, -askos meant a subsequent race or tribe that was an Askos but a specific type of humanoid being, such as an Elf or a Dwarf in some mythologies, which had the suffix of -askos. Indo-Aryans called themselves Araskos (Aryans, i.e. Aros+askos) when comparing themselves to other tribes. Nations were also united by the suffix -askos, from which modern divisions come marked with "-isch" in German and "-iscus" in Latin. For example, Eislandisch for Icelandic and Englisch (literally, Angel-askos, Angel being the specific Germanic tribe). Askos has also been related to the words "one" and "I".

Thus together, they become Manaskos - humankind, the specific breed of Askos which was the human race at the time of the Indo-Aryan civilization. In German this is "Mensch", literally coming from "Man-isch", which comes from Man-ask or Man-tree.

The term Askos reveals the association of the tree with man deeply engrained in the Proto-Indo-European religious psychology. Men were said to resemble trees, and vice versa.  Forests were said to be the homes of tree-spirits, which were very similar to men's spirits and walked around at night in spectral form. Unlike men, the spirits of trees lived on a more eternal individual scale. Norse myths place man's creation from a pair of washed-up tree wood, with the first man's name being Askos. In English the lineage is shown in the word ash, as in an ash tree. The ash tree was very sacred in Indo-Aryan religion due to its association with man as well as a multitude of more mysterious reasons.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ragos - The King

Ragos, the king - the royal host, from which the words for regal come; the reign and regnum, rex and Reich, rich and right all come from this primordial word Ragos. The word re, such as in Republic, specifically relates to Ragos implying the rules of the king in the physical, that is, the reign over things (res) and the material world. Since in traditional Indo-Aryan culture the King in society was held to be the manifestation of the godhead on earth, he would be the material component to the larger spiritual empire or reign, a Reich in German. The King was the representation of divine power on earth, the tool through which divine law and dharma was mediated and kept on earth. He was the mouthpiece of the gods, and therefore expected to be the most honorable and commendable. His conduct was of the greatest importance, more important than that of any other person - if he so showed one trait of vulgarity or petty mindedness such as found in corruption, he was killed because he had failed to carry out his office and duty. The King was thus naturally regal, and only he could perform that role in society, and it was of a certain blood and lineage that these King-castes were bred.

The King or Ragos is associated with rule over the material realm, the mediation of spiritual decree into the physical and the rulership of the world. He is the divine representation on earth, the one who makes earth holy through purification. The Ragos might be said to be an eternal Jungian archetype in the Indo-Aryan psyche, which continually manifests itself in the chosen members of the people by their aptness and situation for carrying out that role. In Christianity, this is represented by the reoccurring Christ or Rex Mundi, who continually manifests itself on earth to bring spiritual order among the physical. In Northern mythologies it is represented by Odin, and every king of the old tribes were said to have the traits and "madness" of the gods. The divine and spiritual element associated with kingship is present in all Indo-Aryan cultures: in Egypt we see this explicitly, and in Babylon and India, even so far as Japan who even though being such a distant and unrelated region shares these core values. The descent of the spiritual manifestation of the law-giver, the Roman pontifex and the Christ who comes to preach to the human world in Christian mythology, marks the beginning of all earthly hierarchy of Indo-Aryan authority in their society. From this vital bridge, all other things were justified and weighed upon.

The word "rich" comes from Ragos too - in addition to the meaning of an abundance of material wealth, it also marked the possession that the Ragos had over the material world and therefore his permission in ruling it. To be rich was to be in possession of the material like the King was, to have at their power an abundance of material wealth to draw upon as right. From this we get the name Richard.

Also from Ragos comes the word "right". Though little is left of the original meaning due to historical linguistic degeneration, the word Right had a similar sense to how it is always used in the term "right-ruler" or "right angle", the measurement from which everything was judged in accordance to what was right. That is because the Ragos is also a Judge, for it is from him that all bases for judgement, thinking and rationalization are wrought. The word Right meant correctness, such as with a right-angle which could always be used to judge the true degree of another smaller angle due to its "perfect" angle of 90 degrees, the corner of a square. The right hand was the regal hand, the dexterous one that waved the scepter and declared judgement. It was the enactor of the will, as the right hand of the body was, similar to how Christ was held to be the "Right Hand" of the Holy Father, enacting the Father's will upon the earth. Therefore the King and the Right Hand, as well as scales and units of measurement, are all interrelated in Ragos because they are all his rightful aspects. He was the authority at the top of humanity who regulated these things (regulate is another related word).

The King is the measurement through which sacred order is maintained across nations. He was the rule by which all things were measures, since he was the only rightful decreer of such rule since he was mediating it from divine origin. Evola's book Revolt Against the Modern World goes over explicitly the relationship of the traditional role of the Ragos in Indo-Aryan society and psychology and does so with intensive research. Much of what can be gathered from the thought-form of Ragos and all that associates to it can be gleamed from this book.

As a final note, it is important to remember that the more one understands the absolute nature of a thought-form, which here we see manifest as specific word/phoneme-forms, the more one will be able to use it functionally to some end in the spiritual and physical world. Extrapolation on each word is intensive and creates an entire field of revivalist research in itself, but it is well worth the effort if the outcome is as we predict can be.

You can download Revolt here or at an alternative host: Depositfiles.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Among the various tasks facilitated for the development of a functional reconstruction of P.I.E. there is the subject of typography. This is how the reconstructed speech will be represented in physical form, that is, in writing.

What we have at hand is an enormous wealth of alphabetic symbols that draw from the days of Sumeria, which have evolved alongside language even as it has split into its very distinct subgroups. The first option here is to represent the language with the Latin alphabet, for the following reason of convenience. Typing in the Latin alphabet is something usual and accessible to all the Western world, and it wouldn't require the speakers to learn a new alphabet, since they can already read the Latin one. The Latin alphabet also could represent most of the sounds in the P.I.E. language. Another reason is that there would be no need to expend time and effort to create a new alphabet.

However, since the Latin alphabet has evolved alongside the languages of Europe, it is obvious that the degeneration inherit in our modern tongue has necessarily over time forced the Latin alphabet to change with it, resulting in the fact that many Indo-Aryan sounds are either not represented in the alphabet or that our present alphabet has too many letters that, in the past, would have represented only one sound. This is a large issue especially in the area of declension, and while this may be only a matter of insignificant choice, when we add the aesthetic appeal that we should strive to attain in the alphabet, in order to synchronize with the mind's harmony to the fullest extent, it becomes a real issue. An example already of this divergence in alphabets was the difference in Latin and Greek declension-suffixes. Latin ended the standard word with -us, while Greek ended it with -os, even though they represented the same initial sound. The difference in spelling came about when the languages began to split and differ in pronunciation, therefore molding the alphabetical representation to fit the relative sounds of the modern language of the time.

In this blog, we've been using the common -os suffix (Aros, Namos) as a default declension-suffix because of its wide-spread popularity with other P.I.E. reconstructionists. However, the question is: is this the ultimate aesthetic appeal? We believe it may echo too much of a Greek spelling. The official usage of -os would also imply that "o" strictly represents the sound of the P.I.E. suffix, which may strangle the representation of the true P.I.E. O.

Some alternatives to -os include -us, -is, -as, -es or -ys even. Our current conjecture is that -ys would be of the greatest benefit, since it carries no previous connotation, has never been used to represent this suffix, and has an element of uniqueness. The Y in -ys would be pronounced like the Greek Upsilon, which is similar to the modern German letter Ü. Therefore, Aros would become Arys and Namos would become Namys.

Another possibility would be to not use the Latin alphabet or instead use some other form of writing. This script could be specifically engineered to represent each special sound of the P.I.E. language, and it would probably be derived in style from the Phoenician-style alphabets. Another source for deriving a special alphabet would be to actually go back to the actual hieroglyphic alphabet used by the Indo-Aryans to write their language, though this is tricky because not much evidence is left that would give us hints of what the ancient symbols actually represented. Since the modern alphabet is derived from the old hieroglyphs, its possible to simply attempt to trace which forms each modern letter came from, and if psychonautic science becomes developed enough, we could activate a similar state of mind believed to have been recorded in the myth of Odin's suicide. This means the rediscovery of the old symbols via immersion into the "netherworld" through the subconscious, in a state similar to a coma, in order to find the original symbols (runes) of the Indo-Aryan alphabet and then implement them.

Remnants of past writing systems, which had been lost to us before their unearthing, also offer possible alternatives to devising a functional P.I.E. alphabet. In particular, there is a script dubbed Old Vinca, which may in fact be a preserved form of a pure P.I.E. hieroglyphic alphabet. The symbols are representative both of common objects and animals and sounds used in the language. Sites all over Europe have excavated similar runic inscriptions.

More information on Old Vinca can be found here:

In all, for now a simple rendering with the current Latin alphabet suits our purposes. As for the future, no drastic projects are planned yet to construct or reconstruct a script for the reconstructed P.I.E. language, although these thoughts should be kept in mind...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Namos - The Name

One of the most easily visible cognates between all Indo-European languages. The concept of namos is pretty self-explanatory. As a simple label, it means a name, the name of someone or the name of something; often times it has the same connotation as word does in our modern tongue, that is, a certain repetition of sounds that represent a specific concept to the Indo-Aryan mind. The meaning of the concept, then, was tied into the very word itself by means of the name.

A P.I.E. verb, "nimo", relates very closely to namos. It means "to take one's due", or to assert one's place, and this transferred to the word nehmen which in German means simply "to take". (The English cognate is the outdated term nim, which also means to take). Indeed, to bear a name is to take on a label, and therefore an existence in the human world. With a name, a thing can come into existence, it can be known and spoken of, and therefore anything that had a name, or rather took a name, also took hold of the state of a definite existence which was applicable to language. Names supported the entire system with which the Indo-Aryans identified the world and themselves, and also founded the basis of communication between them, which is evident in today's languages.

In many subsequent Indo-European cultures, the names of people proved to be a very significant ordeal. Often times people or gods would have many names. For gods, these usually included epithets to honor the gods or specific titles that were in some way descriptive of the god's nature. People's names usually related to their family's origins and the place that they were born in. For warriors, sometimes names came from the victories that they achieved or places that they conquered.

From the very beginning, personal names were indicative titles that bore meaning. These were in some way significant to the name's bearer and may have had a deeper but misunderstood relationship in the ancient Indo-Aryan religion.

One must also not deny the stark similarity between the root namos and the root numos, which may have meant "number", implying that both names and numbers originated from the very same metaphysical concept. The original word behind numos, which was nemo, was a verb meaning "to divide", which fits perfectly with the concept of numbers. However, with the implications of namos having a similar origin, one could speculate that the word for "name" was originally a term originating from the concept of division. The naming of things meant to discriminate between the various forms in the world, and thus to divide the world into separate nameable parts. This may have had metaphysical or religious significance as well, as it implies an original totality of the universe, that is, a unified, holistic unity (the monad) from which the cosmos was divided according to each number, and therefore was divided into the separate nameable parts that we have today, the various forms which inhabit the universe. These proto-gnostic musings hint at the cosmological nature of the Aryan religion, which until recently scientists have seen as dealing only with the gods of the earth and physical nature (like the elements of fire, earth, etc.)

If we go further to bridge the gap between sound differences, the root nonos, meaning "nine", could possibly also have originated from the same concept of namos. As you know, the ancient Norse religion had nine worlds, and the number nine is seen in all ancient Indo-Aryan cultures as the end of the cyclical numerical system, since it started over at ten when a zero was added as a place holder. Being cyclical in nature, nine thus became the point at which both the numerical system ended and began again - a symbol of infinite unity and eternal continuance as well as the cyclical nature of all quantitative fluctuations, such as time and space. Representing the point at which a circle both ends and begins anew, the number nine as a whole represents the circle of the monad as well, or the number One. While One is the whole and the all, Nine is the specific point at which time begins and ends, that point of identical similarity which repeats itself endlessly along the line, and therefore exists both infinitely and not at all as the transition of time. Nonos is also associated with the root newos or nowos, which means "new", further implying Nine's role as both the end and the "new" and fresh beginning.

Namos is a word which relates to many things. Its relations stretch far and wide and harbor vast numbers of senses of meanings which, if one divides and names them, can be drawn out into several specific concepts that more or less have cognates in all modern-day Indo-European languages. Namos is the name of the thing, the bridge between idea and form, existence and recognition, and affirms the existence of something in our minds.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Aros - Nobility

The main method of exacting ancient Indo-Aryan roots is a process of reverse engineering those singular roots which we see spread across all of the Indo-Aryan languages; we see these most commonly in the basest elements of language, such as pronouns, declension systems, prepositions and common nouns that all have a common original root. One such root is the one corresponding with the English word "Aryan", perhaps one of the first recognized cognates of the original Sanskrit linguistic roots with those in Europe and elsewhere; in effect, breaching the gap between India and Europe and making Sanskrit one of the most distant languages to have been descended from the primordial Aryan tongue. Discoverers of this thus called the primordial language "Aryan" since the Sanskrit word "Arya" had immediately recognizable cognates in all other Indo-European languages. This furthered the study of the primordial Aryan tongue and brought it into the mainstream of linguistic research.

But what does this word mean, Aryan? The root I will reconstruct as Aros, and in all tongues its base meaning is "noble", "high", and was used by the Aryan tribes to describe themselves and to distinction between themselves and the people they conquered  - the native Indian inhabitants. This root can also be found in many other countries whose foundations are Indo-European in origin; the "Ir" in the name Iran comes from the same root, as well as the "Ir" in Ireland, both effectively meaning "the land of the Aryans".

Other descendents of this root include "aristos", the Greek word meaning "high" or "noble", which has descended into the English language in the form of the word aristocracy and aristocratic. The German word "Ehre", meaning Honor or honorable, is a cognate as well. 

Philosophically, the Indo-Aryan root "Ur-" is probably also a cognate with a much deeper history. The German prefix "Ur-", which is a direct descendent, bears the meaning of "original", "ancient", and "primordial", which could very well be in relation to the eternal nature of nobility in the Indo-European religion and social system. Therefore the "Aryans" would also mean "the Original Ones" or "the Ancient Ones" in reference to themselves, who of course would remain the same as opposed to the new peoples and experiences they came into contact with throughout their lifetime. It conveys the philosophical idea of eternity, of being eternal.

Taking all of this into account, the very word "origin" may be descended from this root, from the Latin word "orior", meaning to rise or originate, whose "or-" belongs to the original root Aros.

We must also not forget the other Indo-European root which bears close similarity with the Aros root; Aeros, meaning wind or spirit. In the Indo-European religion, the human soul was considered to be something similar to breath or wind; often times the word for wind or air would also mean "soul". Therefore Aros could also be the original word for "wind" or "air", as it was seen as the breath of the person which was their soul, and therefore their existence as a member of the Aryan tribe. Existing as a collective entity, they could have considered their tribe as bearing one collective and unconscious, primordial soul which they called "Aros", meaning all of these things, which relates to Jung's ideas about the collective unconscious. Playing into racial and tribal psychology, Aros could very well be the epitome of the tribe's racial and spiritual identity, the most important root which defined who they were in the cosmos. It was associated with everything that was original, primordial and eternal to their race; their unchanging identity as a collective soul which formed the continuum known as Aros.

Therefore it would be wise to note "Aros" as one of the more important roots in the Indo-European language. Due to its nature, it is probably a highly potent word in the subconscious manipulative process, perhaps even of high "magical value" in rituals designed to create a meditative state in which primordial race-memory is accessed or remembered.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Skatos - That Which is Formed

The primordial root skatos, that which is cut from the material of the ether, thus scooped from matter around the universal shaft which cuts ... it gives form to shape, from the verb "to shape" which means to cut, likewise with "shave". Being cut and formed according to the higher forms, that is, truth,  as a shadow of the higher forms they are but shades, manifested shapes cast by the light of eternal constancy. Illusionary, material, they are the true definitions of the material existence: shadows, shapes, shades, nothing more.

All of these words in bold come from that root, "ska-", which tends to either be followed by a d/t or p; the former for the more base form, the latter for a specifically material form. Sounds themselves resonate with the existential frequencies of different things, and this is why they are specifically represented by certain utterable sounds - the closest approximate - therefore always consistent in what the words represent, an eternal language. Do not be mistaken in the origins of phonetic roots - they are deliberate, human proximations, or vocal manifestations, of the natural frequencies with which these objects resonate on.

This root, which can be seen clearly in the Germanic languages and to a lesser extent in others, has many cognates: German schaffen, Schaft, Norwegian skap, skav, and Old Norse skapa. The verb meant to create or ordain; to cut out of matter a specific form with shape - a shade of existence. It reflects the temporal nature of material existence, for the shape is but ephemeral - a shade that disappears, a shadow that is easily dissolved and which eventually does. The Greeks derived from this skotos, meaning a darkness or a shade, and the Celtic languages derived from it scath and scod to mean "darkness". The linguistic degeneration over the centuries sees the usage of this term turn from the expression of a physical object, that is, the material shape which is cast from the mold of the metaphysical world, into a meaning strictly pertaining to the corporeal world which is "darkness", "the shape of something", "shadows such as trees make" without deeper meaning common to the public eye, and surviving only in the deeper, original sense in the works of poets.

First ska- split into skatos and skapos, from which the modern forms of the words originate. So remember, the existential expression of the material form, the shape or skapos/skatos. It means form, instance of material existence, etc. A direct translation which would have the most sense for this root in modern day English would be "form".

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mission Statement

"Language and thought are inseparable. One is the expression of the other in physically communicable and recordable format - the degeneration of one leads to the degeneration of the other, and indeed for those modern forms of life there is no philosophical consequence to language - only the utterances of a confused and materialistic society who has lost all connection with primordial knowledge due not only to other factors, but the de-philosiphization of language itself. Words are not even seen as having innate meaning anymore - and thus, the languages of modernity lose all gnostic power for understanding truth beyond that of the physical realm, and thus true understanding altogether." - Etisoppo

Language is one of the few manifest thought forms that expresses the existential identity of a race (that is, manifested as a genetic continuum). And, it is doubtless that over time language has changed alongside the changes in demographic composition across Europe and the rest of the world. The original race to which the Proto-Indo-European language belonged to has long since diluted into the other blood streams of other races, with visible effects. Since the Indo-European language was at one time made the lingua franca between all the nations of Europe, the long-term dilution of the language’s original bearers has waned, and thus the pure and original Aryan language has suffered corruption and alteration at the nuances and thought forms of the other races and thus what we have today is a million descendents of the primordial Aryan language, each diluted by the natures of the various mixed stocks. For example, Slavic tends to cluster consonants together and delete the central vowel, a feature seen in many modern European languages, which is of course a detraction from the original form of the word. As words and grammar come in this way to change, the more difficult it becomes for those trying to regain the wisdom and the ways of primordial thought to grasp the ancient concepts, because the language in which it was retained is not the one that is spoken today. Today’s language has evolved to deal with concepts of the purely material world; it is designed to deal with the concepts of modern life and in the process loses its innate ability to aid in the synchronization in understanding ancient wisdom. The ancients and their language formed a synchronic system that allowed access to the wells of gnosis; if either one of these were corrupted, then the natural ease at which the ancients conceived time and space grew thicker and more difficult. So too, in the modern world, have both the degeneration of blood and the subsequent degeneration of language estranged mankind from the potential of becoming one with true knowledge. Needless to say, the implementation of a regenerative and progenitive eugenics program, which over the course of generations would gradually regain the past genetic fortification of Indo-European stock, would gradually, and over the course of many upon many generations, begin to show signs in the linguistics field; the return of superior and heightened genes will mean the gradual shift of modern language to a higher form of expressing thoughts that resembles that of the past. These new men would begin to use language in a way that fits the necessities of their higher thought processing, thus regaining what would more or less be a revival of the ancient thought pattern, that is, the primordial Aryan language. Therefore, the revival of that ancient thought pattern would regain the ease of access to the wells of knowledge.

However, in the slow centuries it will take to regain this language naturally, and thus recreate the ease in which the human race becomes attuned to the gnosis of truth, this tuning will be too distant in the future. Having to wait for the gene-pool to improve to such a degree that a semblance of the ancient language-form would naturally reemerge is daunting; it would severely stretch the gap between the attainment of superior knowledge (and therefore technology and mastery over physical forms) and the state of man’ s survival today. As it is today, the holy genes of the superior man are in dangerous threat of being deleted; waiting is not an option.

One conclusion by now would be to impose a reconstructed version of the primordial language, formed by reverse engineering to make a close approximate, onto all the candidate-bearers of the race; this is impractical, so much more because the majority of the race’s members are not evolved enough to fully exploit the power this grants them. Where this theory does, however, come into practical application is the scientific or research division, specifically, the occult division.

It is not uncommon for higher forms of government to implement branches of their technological research to the use of psychic and paranormal mediums and rituals to cast nets into the invisible abyss of unknown and untapped, primordial, subconscious reservoirs of race-memory. Here is where a proximate reconstruction of ancient languages comes into use in the immediate future. Not only will the use of the original languages with which this wisdom was originally retained and recognized boost the probability of finding this knowledge, but it will make up for the current lack of superior genetic specimens which to use as mediums. If race and language both form the whole of ancient understanding, and the language portion of this can be used, then we are empowered by at least half of our previous power.

Thus, we must go off seeing how one would reconstruct the ancient European language. What we must recognize are the various alterations which the mixed populations of modern day have applied to the original language; by listing and understanding these rules, we need only to reverse them in order to recreate a past semblance of the original word. This includes an analysis of all cognate roots in Indo-European derived languages and tracing them back to their original source. That will be the purpose of this blog: to document various studies that contribute to this field.

Post Scriptum – One observation that is easily seen by anyone is the exclusive use of Latin and Greek in classical occult ceremony. While this may be due to historical factors, it is coincidentally beneficial because both Latin and Greek retain almost perfect and only slightly altered forms of their original mother-tongue; to delve into the astral plains of the subconscious using Ancient Greek as the language-interface is in itself a potent possibility. It’s natural that the more debased the version of the language one uses, for example, modern Greek of Vulgar Latin, the less magical potency it will have.

Another issue is the refutation of the Marxistic axiom that language is completely relative; while historically and genetically this is true for the modern races, the languages of the ancient races were all aggluentively constructed using words that corresponded concretely and inalienably with certain ideas; we see that the constructions of Greek, Latin and even modern German words are not the mere nuances of inherited words from another language, as French or English has; ever compound is constructed with the specific combination of two ideas each represented by words. That is how the classical, or primordial, forms of language can be distinguished from the modern:

Modern – Often without cause or sense, a word means something “just because”, often because the word and its meaning is inherited from a former, older language. The speakers of these languages require no thought to process language; compound words are not recognized as compounds of separate and combined ideas but as separate words themselves. They do not recognize the construction of the compounded word and the sense it entails, nor the philosophical implications of the roots’ combination together.

Ancient – All words have sense; similar concepts are derived from each other, in perfect philosophical synchrony with their own thought forms; the purest expression of Aryan thought. When compound words are used, they are literally compounding the roots each time purposefully; this means that even if compound words were nonexistent in their language, they would continually create them again and again through the simple and natural use of their language. Phonemes are existential expressions of eternal ideas, etc. Also, they require absolutely no borrowing from other languages; everything can be expressed with their vocabulary of basic existential roots. 

In this way, we hope to make the reconstruction of a usable Proto-Indo-European language one of the chief objectives of those interested in reviving gnosis and achieving man's salvation. It may end up being a very important factor in the current metaphysical war, for the lost wisdom of the past harbors the seeds of technologies that will surpass anything modern man has ever dreamt of, and lend our fighting forces - our soldiery - the weapons needed to win. 
