Thursday, September 8, 2011

Manos and Askos - Mankind

Manos, the man - from this we also get the Latin word manus such as in the word manual, meaning "hand". Like the hand, Man was conceived to be a tool in himself - a vessel for enacting a will upon the world. The root-consonants M and N might signify a reoccuring frequency meaning eternity and containment, referring to man's (also the hand's) creativity and the null-containment of his bodily vessel. Further on the psychology of individual sounds will be gleamed. This is why the infant term for "Mother" always turns to be composed of M's, such as Mama, Mamma, Mother, Mommy, and even Latin "Mater". The Latin term was the combination of the primordial sound Ma designating a source or fount of production and the familial suffix -ter, such as the nurturing mother, which the members of the Indo-Aryan tribes in infancy would always think of as "Ma" due to the relation of the two thought-forms, regardless of their lack of knowledge about the world. N is a soothing and constant sound, like the end of a stream, or a brick wall absorbing sound, and therefore N becomes the vessel of containment that follows after the fount of M.

Askos - the ash tree, symbolic of man and its races; Askos was often used either by itself to denotate a man, a being or a tree which is symbolic of a human in Indo-Aryan cultures, or as a suffix. As a suffix, -askos meant a subsequent race or tribe that was an Askos but a specific type of humanoid being, such as an Elf or a Dwarf in some mythologies, which had the suffix of -askos. Indo-Aryans called themselves Araskos (Aryans, i.e. Aros+askos) when comparing themselves to other tribes. Nations were also united by the suffix -askos, from which modern divisions come marked with "-isch" in German and "-iscus" in Latin. For example, Eislandisch for Icelandic and Englisch (literally, Angel-askos, Angel being the specific Germanic tribe). Askos has also been related to the words "one" and "I".

Thus together, they become Manaskos - humankind, the specific breed of Askos which was the human race at the time of the Indo-Aryan civilization. In German this is "Mensch", literally coming from "Man-isch", which comes from Man-ask or Man-tree.

The term Askos reveals the association of the tree with man deeply engrained in the Proto-Indo-European religious psychology. Men were said to resemble trees, and vice versa.  Forests were said to be the homes of tree-spirits, which were very similar to men's spirits and walked around at night in spectral form. Unlike men, the spirits of trees lived on a more eternal individual scale. Norse myths place man's creation from a pair of washed-up tree wood, with the first man's name being Askos. In English the lineage is shown in the word ash, as in an ash tree. The ash tree was very sacred in Indo-Aryan religion due to its association with man as well as a multitude of more mysterious reasons.

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